Welcome to our Paintings Page 5
Here you will find Paintings created by Cathy & Zita. Just click on the pics below to download.
Zita's Paintings.
These paintings are originals by a very dear friend of mine, Denise who I also worked with for many years.
Cathy's Paintings.
Alexander Zimin
A talented artist working in the Impressionistic style, Alexander Sasha Zimin`s creates oil paintings of everyday objects executed in soft, muted colors that produce amazing richness and texture. He has achieved remarkable success for a man in his early thirties. Alexander Zimin is a member of the Artist's Union of Russia and a recent member of Oil Painters of America.
At the age of twelve, he graduated from the specialized branch of the Academy of Fine Arts having been instructed by celebrated artist and teacher Yuri Reshkin. Two years later, Sasha was selected to attend the Russian Academy of Arts, the leading art college in Russia established in 1757. In 1993, he completed post graduate studies at the Russian Academy under the tutelage of Professor V. Reikhet.
Ioan Popei
Ioan Popei was born in Agapia, Neamt county, Romania, on July 15th, 1954. His first exhibition was in Piatra Neamt in 1985. His religious icons were very well received abroad also, in France, Holland, UK, Belgium and Australia.
As every other mystery, Popei's one is simple: faith and a leaning towards the depth of the being, there where the limitless creative powers come from. Ioan Popei does not paint icons, he prays.
Big Paintings Please download the Qortex Mesh file below for these paintings to show in your game. Permission is included in the zip.
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